Tuesday, December 20, 2011

International Go Snowboard Day

This past Sunday was International Go Snowboard Day and although the crew got split up a bit everyone was able to get out and shred despite the slow start to winter we've been having.
Here's Colin's edit of Jordan and himself as well as the rest of the Dogbowl team at Dagmar

And here's Happy hour Media's edit of Cam, Tanner and cooper with the rest of the Switch fam at Horseshoe

go snow boarding day from Happy Hour Media on Vimeo.

The Ranchers

Braden Ioi did a great job with this edit from the summer. Check out Jordan and a bunch of other shredders that called the ranch home.

the ranchers. from streetcar. on Vimeo.

686 day @ Dogbowl

Sweet video by Fresh Pressed Productions of the 686 day pre-season jam at Dogbowl. Thanks for coming out and film guys!

Dogbowl Jam 2011 from Fresh Pressed Productions on Vimeo.

Banshee Bungee Video

This is an edit we made for the Banshee Bungee urban rumble reel contest!
Follow the contest at http://www.snowboardermag.com and keep voting!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Its Coming!

A day of riding at Brimcomb last year while Colin was home visiting for a couple weeks.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


A few little tricks we filmed the other day at Courtice park.


No money or credit or anything but atleast theres a big 9OHH5 sticker in there. Congrat's Jordan.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Our Movie

Here's what we've been working towards all winter, 9OHH5's full video.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Here is an edit that was never released until now of some of the best shots from the river setup we had last year. We've started building the new setup for this year already, so hopefully we'll be out wakeskating again soon and get some filming done!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Here's a little look at what we've been working on for our full movie. Its is yet to have a name but it should be out by summer!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Throwin' Down

Check out this sweet edit of Cooper and Tanner at Lakeridge's Thursday Night ThrowDown.
Made by Nick from IRAWKIT

Friday, February 11, 2011

First Try Friday-Colin Gallant

Colin Gallant gets a little confused on which day it is but its all good because he tries this first try "Friday" in Whistler park. Will he land? watch and find out!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Brimacombe Opening Week(s)

Finally, here is an edit from our boys still in Ontario! We filmed this opening week or so at Brimacombe, but had a lot of difficulty getting the footage together, as well as with some trouble with the new editing software, but nevertheless we managed and it's finally done. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Whistler Park Update

Some times things dont work out the way you planned.. and sometimes the weather doesnt do what its suposted to. Whistler park has changed alot since our first edit so here's a little update. Filmed in one day of bluebird and one day of greybird. Riders: Jordan Sullvain, Colin Gallant. Edited by Colin Gallant

Monday, January 24, 2011

Heres a little update from us boys still in Ontario..
Clearly we've been slacking in the edit department, but for good reasons. We've been busy hitting rails, getting shots for another hopefully fuller-lengthed movie for the end of the season. Also, we've been having some technical difficulties, but nevertheless, a Brimacombe edit will be out soon. 
Here are some photos that our friend Lucas Stanois took while hitting some new spots we found that have never ever been hit, ever. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fix Of 6 Tricks- Whistler Staircase

Its been awhile since we've put out a new video so here's a little edit to gain back everyone's interest for our next full edit. Which we should be done in a few days. So keep checking back and enjoy!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Rome Local Gnar Video Entry

Hey Everyone we have been slackin' in both Whistler and Ontario for putting out edits, so here is an edit we made last year for a video contest that Rome held that we never ended up releasing. It is a re-edit of all our best shots from last season, hope ya like it. Keep checking back within the next couple weeks and we will have a couple more Whistler edits up and hopefully one from Ontario!